Content | This Whirlwind Tutorial will take you through step by step on how to make the unique ornament!
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Materials you will need:
1 – 3” soft foam ball (marked in 6 sections)
- Main fabric of your choice
- Accent fabric of your choice (optional)
- Segment Trim
- Coordinating ribbons
- Embellishments
- Dressmaker straight pins
- Flexible measuring tape
- Glue
- Scissors
Tutorial downloads are non-refundable.
To read the PDF file, you need Acrobat Reader.
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This tutorial is for the use by the purchaser only.
Copying, distribution in any manner is prohibited.
You may sell finished products made by the use of this tutorial. However, the tutorial and photos may not be altered, shared or sold. | This No Sew Star Tutorial will take you through step by step on how to make this beautiful ornament. The tutorial will be available to you after purchase.
Tutorial downloads are non-refundable.
To read the PDF file, you need Acrobat Reader.
You can download it free here:
©Designs by Mignon
This tutorial is for the use by the purchaser only.
Copying, distribution in any manner is prohibited.
You may sell finished products made by the use of this tutorial. However, the tutorial and photos may not be altered shared or sold. | This Prism Swirl Tutorial will take you through step by step on how to make the Prism Swirl with variations! The tutorial will be available to you after purchase.
Materials you will need:
1 – 4 1/2” hemi shape soft foam (marked in 8 sections)
- Main fabric of your choice
- Accent fabric of your choice
- Coordinating ribbon
- Embellishments
- Dressmaker straight pins
- Flexible measuring tape
- Glue
- Scissors
Tutorial downloads are non-refundable.
To read the PDF file, you need Acrobat Reader.
You can download it free here:
This tutorial is for the use by the purchaser only.
Copying, distribution in any manner is prohibited.
You may sell finished products made by the use of this tutorial. However, the tutorial and photos may not be altered shared or sold. | This Circle Globe Tutorial will take you through step by step on how to create a PERFECT CIRCLE! The tutorial will also show you alternatives to finishing your ornament after you have made your “Perfect Circle”. The tutorial will be available to you after purchase.
Materials you will need:
- 1 – 3” round soft foam ball (needs to be marked in 8 sections)
- Fussy Cut of your choice (I used a Rose shown here)
- Accent Fabric
- Dressmaker straight pins
- Flexible measuring tape
Tutorial downloads are non-refundable.
To read the PDF file, you need Acrobat Reader.
You can download it free here:
©Designs by Mignon
This tutorial is for the use by the purchaser only.
Copying, distribution in any manner is prohibited.
You may sell finished products made by the use of this tutorial. However, the tutorial and photos may not be altered shared or sold. | This Secret Garden Ornament Tutorial will take you through step by step on how to make this beautiful ornament. The tutorial will be emailed to you after purchase.
Tutorial downloads are non-refundable.
To read the PDF file, you need Acrobat Reader.
You can download it free here:
©Designs by Mignon
This tutorial is for the use by the purchaser only.
Copying, distribution in any manner is prohibited.
You may sell finished products made by the use of this tutorial. However, the tutorial and photos may not be altered shared or sold. | This Serenity Tutorial will take you through step by step on how to make the Serenity Ornament! The tutorial will be available to you after purchase.
Materials you will need:
1 – 4” egg shape soft foam (needs to be marked in 8 sections)
- Main fabric of your choice
- Accent fabric of your choice
- Coordinating ribbon
- Embellishments
- Dressmaker straight pins
- Flexible measuring tape
- Glue
- Scissors
Tutorial downloads are non-refundable.
To read the PDF file, you need Acrobat Reader.
You can download it free here:
©Designs by Mignon
This tutorial is for the use by the purchaser only.
Copying, distribution in any manner is prohibited.
You may sell finished products made by the use of this tutorial. However, the tutorial and photos may not be altered shared or sold. |
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